Wooden Chainsaw Toy
9.5K Views, 43 Favorites
Infinity Mirror Wall Lights
11K Views, 139 Favorites
DIY SlingBow From Plywood
36K Views, 126 Favorites
Making a Shelf
2.6K Views, 38 Favorites
Impossible Joint (Osaka Castle-Otemon Gate's Pillar Splice)
25K Views, 126 Favorites
Cajon Hybrid (Αcoustic - Electronic Cajon)
4.0K Views, 36 Favorites
Wooden Percussion Blocks
8.3K Views, 28 Favorites
Reindeer Bottle Stand
3.7K Views, 50 Favorites
Making an Airplane Shelf for Kids Bedroom
2.5K Views, 43 Favorites
Laptop Stand From Plywood
6.4K Views, 119 Favorites
Wooden Rocking Chair
43K Views, 96 Favorites
Mitre Bridle Joint for Picture Frames
12K Views, 95 Favorites
3D End Grain Cutting Board
24K Views, 205 Favorites
Spider Shaped Lamp
41K Views, 318 Favorites
DIY Concealed Hinge Jig
35K Views, 166 Favorites
Infinity Mirror Candle Holder
25K Views, 202 Favorites
How to Hide a Screw
143K Views, 341 Favorites
Making a Birdhouse
9.1K Views, 39 Favorites
Tea Light Holders for Christmas
2.4K Views, 83 Favorites
Impossible Dovetail Joint Puzzle
61K Views, 295 Favorites
Crayons Carrying Tote
1.5K Views, 44 Favorites
Halloween Themed Whirligig
5.7K Views, 32 Favorites
Making a Folding Crossbow
44K Views, 598 Favorites
The Wooden Light Bulbs
35K Views, 705 Favorites
Electronic Practice Pad
5.4K Views, 78 Favorites
Restroom Sign Inspired Bedside Lamps
5.3K Views, 161 Favorites
The Fastest Way to Tie Your Shoes
1.2K Views, 11 Favorites
Tricycle With a Bucket. (Planter)
3.0K Views, 50 Favorites
Rock Band Whirligig
10K Views, 113 Favorites
Fix an Unresponsive Remote Control
31K Views, 99 Favorites
Coyote and Roadrunner Inspired Bird Feeder
2.7K Views, 26 Favorites
Infinity Mirror Clock Making
54K Views, 781 Favorites
"Stickman" Bedside Lamp
10K Views, 289 Favorites
DIY Mini Pallet Drink Coasters
7.7K Views, 241 Favorites